Leather Furnitures

Your leather furniture is here: the rich scent, luxurious texture, and easygoing attitude of full-grain leather that gets even better with age. Executive Couch Designs has traditional, contemporary, modern, and casual styles in a range of custom colors and finishes. Mix and match to express your personal style with our leather furniture. Visit us at our showrooms in Broadhurst and Mogoditshane Areas.

Fabrics Furnitures

Upholstery fabrics at are designed to take more wear — they're usually a little heavier and more durable. Our broad assortment of florals, stripes, velvets, tapestries, suedes and solid textures will help you create fabulous furniture and great pillows! We also offer a complete line of indoor-outdoor fabrics which are perfect for upholstering furniture that will be used every day and perfect if you have kids or pets. Upholstery fabrics are sometimes light enough for window treatments and slipcovers. Call our offices for more information or visits our showrooms at Broadhurst and Mogoditdhane areas.